Facebook, Google & Youtube Advertising

Digital Advertising is essential in online marketing campaigns. Ads increase brand visibility, attract buying customers and generate income with the power of automation. Here at Freedthinking, we don’t just help you get more eyes on your business. We leverage industry-leading analytical tools and software to align digital ads with your target audience, right down to the small details. Better yet, we make sure your ads are live when your customers are active and engaged on social platforms. We take our time to strategize digital advertising campaigns that foster results, high conversion rates and significant ROI for our clients. Our specialty is Facebook advertising, YouTube advertising, and Google advertising— three of the largest, more successful platforms for online sales/marketing today. 

Many of us spend over 7 hours each day on screens. We can position your adverts in a way that will specify the exact details of your intended customer, down to the place they live, the things they are interested, their income levels, specialist interests, key times they log on, and the devices they use to go online. The brilliance of marketing platforms like facebook ads, google ads and youtube ads is that you can get granular, and get your ads seen by the people who you want to reach. Our expertise is Facebook advertising, Google advertising and Youtube advertising. Get in touch to find out more!

Get in touch with us today if you’re ready to transform your business with the power of digital advertising. 

Sometimes you want the lowest Cost per result. (Our record is $0.0003/£0.00025).

Other times your focus is Link Clicks. (261,600 on our top campaign so far)

On occasions your focus is on Reach. (1.5 million is our winner to date)

Race ahead with effective digital ads.

(and beat the traffic)